
I don’t ruffle feathers for the sake of it.
I’ve just never seen property the same way as everyone else.
For over 30 years I’ve seen potential in places that are off the radar. Places with stories to tell. Places that need time and care and generosity.
And I’ve found ways to make them work, with
imaginative combinations of capital, collaboration
and creativity, blood, sweat and listening ears.
Places with the power to rescue communities, create opportunities, change lives.
Reviving towns and villages that are struggling, and bringing broken communities together. Keeping trades and crafts alive. Creating a sense of identity and place and social history. Places that are relevant to today, sustainable for the future.
Towns matter. People matter. Places matter. At every scale, a generous, long-term approach to property matters.
Light fires with the right people, and property can be a force for good. A force for social and economic regeneration.
More than ever, we need feathers need to be ruffled. We need fires to be lit.